
  1. DRUIDS.The term druid is used by Greek and Roman authors, medieval Irish writers, and modern scholars alike to designate a priest of the ancient Celts. The word is thought to mean something like 'those knowledgeable about the (sacred) oak,' being derived from two Celtic words meaning 'oak' and 'knowledge.'
  2. Druid is growing everything in a controlled environment which allows for more precise control over the growing conditions of each crop. This means higher germination rates, higher yields, better quality control, and in the end a satisfied customer with fresh, healthy food.

The Druid is a thinking man. The Druid is a creative man. He is a man of the mind first and foremost.

While druid-shell is being developed with the Druid toolkit in mind, it is intended to be general enough that it could be reused by other projects interested in experimenting with Rust GUI. The druid-shell crate includes a couple of non-druid examples. Druid relies on the Piet library for drawing and text layout. The mysterious Celtic religious specialists of ancient Ireland, Britain, and Northern Europe. But who were they really? What historical evidence.

The Druid observes and contemplates so that he may know and understand. This is the essence of the Druid’s nature.

The Druid’s domain includes everything that has to do with intelligence and imagination. The Druid is the lover of science, of philosophy, of art, of music.

The Druid should not let himself be swayed by sentiment. The Druid should never let himself drift to the left or to the right.

The Druid should be a lord over the sentiments, for the Druid is a follower of the Intelligent Spirit over all living souls.


The Druid’s path is the straight path of truth. Therefore, the Druid is eminently qualified to judge all things.

Woe to the Druid who forsakes the straight path of truth, and who misleads and deceives his own people by giving false judgments.

The Druid is the teacher, the advisor and the corrector of all people by virtue of his knowledge.

It is the King’s right to rule over the people. And it is the Druid’s right to rule over the King.

The Druid needs time and leisure to seek knowledge, to study it and to contemplate it. It is wrong for the Druid to be preoccupied with other considerations.

The Druid should not be expected to be involved in physical combat. The Druid is not a warrior.

Indeed, the Druid is above warfare by virtue of his knowledge and is uniquely placed to be the judge of all wars.


The Druid should not be expected to engage in business activities, or to deal with money. The Druid is not a merchant.

Druids And Nature

Indeed, the Druid is above business by virtue of his knowledge and is uniquely placed to be the judge of all business.

Far be it from the Druid to require payment for his knowledge. Requiring payment belongs to the merchant, not to the Druid.

But the Druid should receive for what he gives – a gift for a gift.

The Druid should not be expected to perform manual labor. The Druid is not a common worker.

Druid Spells 5e

It does not belong to the Druid to establish himself in life in the way of the common man.

It does not belong to the Druid to buy a house. It does not belong to the Druid to buy a car.

While the King should strive to incarnate the soul of his people, the Druid should strive to incarnate the Spiritual Mind.

If the King respects and appreciates the Druid, the King will rule rightly.

If the warriors respect and appreciate the Druid, they will not engage in unjust wars.

If the merchants respect and appreciate the Druid, they will not engage in fraudulent business.

If the common workers respect and appreciate the Druid, they will perform their duties as required.


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Ancient Druid Rituals

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Éditions Druide

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